cellZscope® - The Automated Cell Monitoring System
The cellZscope® is the original impedance-based cell monitoring system designed for use with commercially-available standard transwell inserts, providing distinct advantages for users. For example, user accessibility is provided to both apical and basolateral surfaces of barrier-forming cell models under physiological conditions while keeping costs of consumables to a minimum. Long-term simultaneous monitoring of 6-96 separate cell layers is automated conveniently under robust computer control. Real-time measures of ohmic resistance (TEER, transepithelial / transendothelial electrical resistance) and capacitance (Ccl) are provided as convenient readout parameters; displayed with intuitive, easily exportable software graphics. The cellZscope® is engineered in Germany using the highest quality materials, it is extremely easy to sterilize and has a broad range of applications, such as studying the influence of drugs, toxins and other conditions imposed on the barrier function of cell layers.
Biometrology offers a full line of cellZscope® systems:
> cellZscope2, our top-of-the-line 24-well system
> cellZscope+, the standard 24-well workhorse
> cellZscopeE, an economical 6-well system
Note: 24-well cellZscope® systems can be multiplexed using a hub to 96-well throughput.
To request more detailed cellZscope® information and/or a price quotation, please contact:
Ms. Laura Voss, cellZscope® Sales Coordinator
1 (773) 941-0113
cellZscope® - registered trademark of nanoAnalytics GmbH, Münster Germany.


